
New protective style - Peruvian hair by Divine Hair Sweden

So after the incident with my "old" bundles from Divine Hair Sweden. I decided to get myself some new bundles because that color I got with the blonde spray was such a summer look.

Long story short, here they are again. Not really reunited but kinda ;) BUT first the basics:

The front of my hair was braided in smaller cornrows to help the closure lay flat. Edges are left out by brushing them away with pure Aloe Vera gel.

When it comes to sewing on the wefts the most important thing is your part. Side part, middle part etc. This is the first thing people will notice. Especially if it looks like Moses been there to help you part it..
Take your time to get the part right. If you are using a closure then I would suggest you to start with the closure first, in that way if you get the closure wrong you can always re-do it. If you plan to do an invisible part then do it as the last step or else the wefts may be visible and we don't want that.

The first time I installed my own weave I did an invisible part which was hard and a bit of a fail, but I learned where I went wrong. This time (my second time) I used a lace closure. 
None of the parting methods above requires leave outs except your edges and maybe some baby hairs. Nor will you have to apply heat to your blend in your hair.
Edge control or pure Aloe Vera gel will do the trick to blend that weave in.

Unfortunately I don't think I have any pictures on the installed closure itself, but here are some detailed pictures on the closure. More pictures will be on my Instagram page and/or YouTube channel.

Ignore the background.. This is the closure I used which is also by Divine Hair Sweden. It is a Peruvian Bodywave lace closure  18' in #1B.
It came parted in the middle, but you can part it closer to the side if you want so.

This is how the back of the lace closure looks like.

If everything goes right then the video of the results will be on YouTube. I am also planning to color/bleach the hair so keep an eye open.

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