
Root2Tip- Growth challenge #2

Except maintaining my healthy hair I am right now trying to grow my hair as much as possible. It is simply a challenge that I am doing to see how far my hair can go with, and without the aid of supplements. Right now I am growing my hair with the aid of different types of supplement meanwhile I am also participating in the 4cee retention challenge.
A week ago I completed the MSM challenge. During 9 weeks I too MSM capsules daily, but sulfur can also be applied topically in different ways. More information on how and what type of sulfur will be coming up during the challenge.

To name a few ways:

  • Sulfur oil mix
  • Added to shampoo
  • Sulfur serum
And that is where Root2Tip comes into the picture:
Harvest Hair- growth pack by Root2Tip
Salem, the founder of Root2 Tip started by making her own hair growth formula to grow her natural hair longer, but it turned out that it worked for her friends and family too and some of the the result is what you see above. As me, Salem believes in natural hair care and hair care practices because "Practice makes perfect" :)
Except the main line they also have a kid's and men line so there is something for everyone! 

Root energizer: 1x/week at night. To be washed out.
Scalp Hydration: Up to 3x/week for hair growth

Starting today I will use the products as directed for hair growth and when they are empty I will do a result post with pros, and cons if there will be any. They have been giving to me for a review so in the end you will find them on the review list too.
As always, anyone can join me in the challenge.
(For more information: Harvest Hair growth pack )

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