
It's a wig! - Wig maintenance

One of the cons with curly hair is that the back that is in constant contact with your shirt, scarf etc will frizz up and or get tangled. The wig that I got from Elevatestyles.com was a good quality of human hair, the curls are still in top shape but I decided to do something about the back. 
I went to Google and I found many tips! Everything from using fabric softener to curling it with heat, but I am not ready to take those risky tips now lol.

I went easy by boiling water and putting the wig into it. No oils or product added, just plain water. Before putting it into the boiling water I did some loose braids here and there ( I got tired). I forgot to take a full before picture, but here is my results:
A small section was left out and the rest was put into braids and then into the water.
No products added.

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