
Wash day- box braids

I used: 
• Cream of Nature Detangling & Conditioning shampoo 
• Castor and almond oil as an oil rinse
• Mane n Tail Deep Moisturizing conditioner 

* I ended up not using Jessicurl Too Shea. 

I just felt like my hair needed shampoo especially since I applied gel while doing my box braids. 
The braids oh my.. I don't know it is my hair or the braiding hair that sucks up all water, hopefully it's my hair😏.. And then they seem to never dry! I used my microfiber turban, a small towel AND a sweater. Next time I will put it in clips. Oh, I forgot that I don't even have enough clips since I broke 2 of them last time so I only have 2 out of 6 left hehe. So I am just waiting for the one I ordered. 

I moisturized by doing LOC. 
I used: 
• L- A spray bottle with boiled and cooled down water
• O- My oil mix
• C- ORS olive oil lotion 

My hair feels and looks good but I kind off miss my hair. So far it's been 2 weeks (counting from tomorrow) and it's about that time that I remove and re-do them soon. 

How do you moisturize your hair while protective styling? 

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