aloe vera gel
healthy hair
no poo
wash day
Wash day- JBCO, Aloe vera gel & Jessicurl review
This is after a JBCO hot oil treatment and an aloe vera pre-wash treatment. To cleanse my hair I used Jessicurl Cleansing cream, 1 sample was enough this time also.
I like the Cleansing cream! It cleanses my hair and doesn't dry my hair out, it lathers just like shampoo which is a big plus. It's worth a try and I can see myself using this again.
This is my first time trying it on my full hair, the first time was on my box braids.
The aloe vera gel made my hair even softer! And easy to detangle. This is definitely something I will keep doing. When it comes to JBCO I haven't used it regularly so I can't say much more than the last time. I will have to wait and see.
What pre-poo's or hair treatments are your favorites?
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