healthy hair
rinçage du thé
Tea rinse
Tea rinse
Tea rinses has many benefits, depending on what type of tea you use.
Today I will use Lipton (black tea) as a final hair rinse. I have done tea rinses before and I loved the results.
Since my hair has been braided up and etc for a long time on and off now I decided to give it some extra love lol.
Instead of using ORS replenishing conditioner I will use Mane n Tail Deep Moisturizing conditioner, my prepoo was hot oil treatment with JBCO and also the tea rinse.
Tea rinses are simply and so effective, they can be used to darken hair: grey hair, make hair stronger, enhance highlights and much more.
All you need is:
• Tea of your choice, I used Lipton which is black tea.
• Warm water
• A bottle/container to pour the tea over your hair. I am using an old bottle
Brew the tea stronger than you would drink it but be aware that too much can make your hair hard and dry. Start with a small dosage, I use 2-3 tea bags. Of course it depends on how much water you have also.
I made 500 ml of tea rinse, that's how much the bottle can be filled up to.
If you do tea rinses, why and what tea do you use?
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