African black soap
black soap
natural products
Dudu-Osun black soap VS Nubian Heritage African black soap
After getting an allergic reaction due to a fragrance that is use in soaps lotions etc I decide to use natural products on my body and face, I do use VS body splash and etc that is not natural but anyway..
•The only moisturizer I use is whipped Shea butter that I make myself.
•As a face toner I am now using rosewater-ACV concoction.
•Setting spray when needed then I use the mix above or rosewater only.
New in: At night I will start to use vitamin e and aloe vera gel. Mostly because I like it so far and because it helps to heal scars, blemishes and etc.
Since it seems like I am allergic to a common used fragrance I searched for a good yet natural soap. That's how I started using black soap.
The first one I used was African black soap by Nubian Heritage and I have used it twice already, the second one I used is the well known Dudu-Osun black soap. After using them I really noticed a difference in between them so I decide to do comparison review. By tomorrow I will start using Nubian Heritage, I will check in about it after about 2 weeks.
Note that African black soap and black soap is not the same thing. I will do a blog post about what they are and how they are made.
Have you used African black soap and/or black soap, what are your experience?
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